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Magneti Marelli RT3 RT4 RT5 RT6 RNEG 2 GPS system repair service

The most common types of sat nav systems fitted to Peugeot, Citroen, Fiat, Lancia and Maserati are RT3, RT4, RT5 and RT6 made by Magneti Marelli.

Common faults on these systems are frozen screens stuck on the boot logo, wrong software update, updating RT3 with the wrong software CD, faulty CD drive, no visible satellites, no radio signal, and many other faults.

We can repair these faults.

We also have replacement parts.

If you have a faulty system please contact us for a quote with a full description of the fault and chassis number of the vehicle.


360 thoughts on “Magneti Marelli RT3 RT4 RT5 RT6 RNEG 2 GPS system repair service”


    I have a problem in starting the Magneti Marelli (RT3 D2A-N3), PEUGEOT 407. The device tries to start in a certain rhythm, but fails to engage. How can we, and where to send it to a service-repair.

    1. Hi
      I can repair your RT3 D2A N3 sat nav unit, you will have to remove the unit from the car and send it to me for repair, i will repair it 2 days after receiving it.

      1. Hello, i have same problem, but i am from Lithuania, and i can’t send unit to you. Maybe can you help me, and sad to me, From where i need to start, it’s hard disk broken, or i need remove hard disk, and rewrite all software ? Maybe it is screen problem ? or BSI block ?
        Please help me.. Thank you very much. Write me in email

  2. Hi
    I have a 57 plate 207 SW. The unit is the big one – an RT4?
    Problem is….several years ago my young son put some coins into the CD slot.
    The local peugot garage took them out
    Ever since though we have a problem: the volume independently increases to MAX and we can’t turn it down.
    Is this something you feel you could fix?
    Or at worse replace the unit.
    We are in London.

  3. hi I have a 307 cc 180 with sat nav and built in phone the screen has lines going down it making it impossible to read I think it is a rt4 screen can u help

  4. Do you have a cd or sd card for the sat nav on a 2010 PEUGEOT 407 2.0 HDi 163 sport? I have just bought the car but the disc/ sd card is missing. If so what is the price?

  5. Bonjour, j’ai un RT3 sur le C5 de fèvrier 2005 et depuis un mois je n’ai plus d’information à l’écran il reste sur le logo citroën la radio fonctionne que par intermittence ainsi que les cd.pensez vous que ceci est réparable.
    d avance merci.

    1. Bonjour

      Pendant que l’ecran est figé sur le logo de Citroen, est ce que la radio fonctionne pendant quelques secondes, et ensuite l’ecran reboot?
      C’est bien ça?
      Si oui, je suis capable de vous le reparer


  6. Bonjour,
    je viens de remplacer la partie méchanique du lecteur CDM6 4.7/31 de mon RT3, (la tete de lecture était morte) malheureusement maintenant j’entend comme un bruit de rafale dans le lecteur , ( engrenage chariot tete de lecture ?). le lecteur était neuf.
    j’ai peur de me risquer à nouveau de changer le lecteur cd.

  7. I have a 2007 Citroen C5 and I have a problem navigation system, namely the Citroen logo screen locks (frosen sreen). I did update to version 8.20 thinking that this will solve the problem but it seems to still persist. I need a solution

    1. Hi
      Does the screen show “please insert upgrade cd”?
      Is the system rebooting?
      Or is it just stuck on the Citroen logo?

  8. Hi. I have Citroen C4 with RT3 NaviDrive after a software update everything was good but after few month navidrive ended with black screen and continuous restart attempt but unable to. The expert told me that there is a boot problem. The boot software damaged. Do you have any idea to repair?
    With many thanks!

    1. Hi
      Yes i can repair your RT3 but first I need more details about your system.
      To use the sat nav, do you use a cd or the maps are stored in the hard drive?

    2. Hi! I need a wiring diagram in order to install a RT3 monochrom in my 206, 1.4hdi from 2005. All my circuits came from another 206. Thx

    3. I have a C8 where the screen just does the boot process. With the loading, ready words in the bottom right hand side of screen. Also the citroen logo is permanently on
      Could you advise of the repair costs? Would you send any replays to my email address please. Man thanks

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